

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about Heartbeat in the system design. In computing, a heartbeat is a periodic signal or message sent by a system or component to indicate that it is alive and functioning properly. Heartbeats are commonly used in distributed systems, networking, and monitoring applications to detect failures, maintain connectivity, and ensure the health of systems.


In a distributed environment, work/data is distributed among servers. To efficiently route requests in such a setup, servers need to know what other servers are part of the system. Furthermore, servers should know if other servers are alive and working. In a decentralized system, whenever a request arrives at a server, the server should have enough information to decide which server is responsible for entertaining that request. This makes the timely detection of server failure an important task, which also enables the system to take corrective actions and move the data/work to another healthy server and stop the environment from further deterioration.


Each server periodically sends a heartbeat message to a central monitoring server or other servers in the system to show that it is still alive and functioning.

Heartbeat is one of the mechanisms for detecting failures in a distributed system. If there is a central server, all servers periodically send a heartbeat message to it. If there is no central server, all servers randomly choose a set of servers and send them a heartbeat message every few seconds. This way, if no heartbeat message is received from a server for a while, the system can suspect that the server might have crashed. If there is no heartbeat within a configured timeout period, the system can conclude that the server is not alive anymore and stop sending requests to it and start working on its replacement.


Here’s how it typically works:

  1. Periodic Signaling: Nodes in a distributed system exchange heartbeat messages at regular intervals, often referred to as heartbeat intervals. These messages can be simple signals indicating that the node is alive and operational.
  2. Monitoring and Detection: Each node monitors the receipt of heartbeat messages from other nodes. If a node fails to receive a heartbeat from a particular node within a certain timeframe, it may assume that the node is no longer reachable or operational.
  3. Failure Detection: Heartbeats are crucial for detecting failures, such as node crashes, network partitions, or communication failures, in a timely manner. When a node fails to receive expected heartbeats from another node, it can initiate recovery or failover procedures to maintain system availability and integrity.
  4. Health Checking: Heartbeats can also include information about the health and status of the sending node. This allows receiving nodes to assess the overall health of the system and take appropriate actions if necessary.
  5. Configuration and Tuning: Heartbeat mechanisms often include configurable parameters such as heartbeat intervals, timeout thresholds, and retry policies to adapt to different network conditions and performance requirements.

Here are a few contexts where heartbeats are commonly used:

1. Network Communication

In networked environments, heartbeats are used to maintain connections between devices or systems. For example, in TCP/IP networks, keep-alive packets serve as heartbeats to ensure that connections remain active and detect when a connection has been lost.

2. Distributed Systems

In distributed systems, nodes or components often exchange heartbeat messages to monitor each other’s status and detect failures. For instance, in a cluster of servers, each server may periodically send heartbeat messages to a central coordinator to indicate that it is operational. If the coordinator stops receiving heartbeats from a server, it can infer that the server has failed and take appropriate action, such as reallocating resources or triggering failover mechanisms.

3. Monitoring and Health Checking

Heartbeats are also used in monitoring and health checking systems to verify the status and availability of services or devices. Monitoring agents may send periodic heartbeats to a centralized monitoring system, which monitors the receipt of these heartbeats to ensure that the monitored services are up and running.

4. Load Balancing

In load balancing systems, heartbeats can be used to monitor the health and availability of backend servers. Load balancers may periodically send heartbeats to backend servers to check their status and adjust the routing of incoming requests accordingly, directing traffic away from unhealthy or overloaded servers.

Heartbeats are crucial for maintaining the stability and reliability of distributed systems, especially in environments where nodes may be prone to failures or network partitions. They provide a means of quickly detecting and responding to failures, minimizing downtime and ensuring that the system remains operational.

That’s all about the What is heart in system design. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at contact@waytoeasylearn.com. Enjoy learning, Enjoy system design..!!

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