Cache Coherence and Consistency Models

Cache Coherence and Consistency Models

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about Cache Coherence and Consistency Models. Cache coherence and consistency models are essential concepts in the context of caching, particularly in distributed systems or multi-core processors. These models ensure that data remains accurate and up-to-date across multiple caches or processing units.

Cache Coherence and Consistency Models
Cache Coherence

n distributed caching systems, where multiple cache instances are spread across different nodes or machines, maintaining cache coherence becomes essential.

Cache coherence is a property of multi-core processors or distributed systems that ensures all processors or nodes see the same view of shared data. In a system with multiple caches, each cache may store a local copy of the shared data. When one cache modifies its copy, it is essential that all other caches are aware of the change to maintain a consistent view of the data.

To achieve cache coherence, various protocols and techniques can be employed, such as:


When a cache writes to its copy of the shared data, it broadcasts a message to other caches, invalidating their copies. When another cache requires the updated data, it fetches the new data from the memory or the cache that made the change.

Here’s how it works in the context of caching:

  1. Write Operation:
    • When a cache receives a write request for a particular data item, it updates its own copy of the data item in the cache. This may involve marking the cache line as “modified” or “dirty” to indicate that it contains the most recent version of the data.
  2. Invalidation:
    • Simultaneously, the cache sends an invalidate message to all other caches that might have a copy of the same data item. This invalidate message instructs the recipient caches to invalidate their copies of the data item, marking them as invalid.
  3. Coherence Enforcement:
    • Upon receiving an invalidate message, the recipient caches check if they have a copy of the invalidated data item. If they do, they invalidate their own copies to ensure coherence across all caches.
    • This ensures that subsequent read requests for the same data item will either fetch the updated value from the cache that performed the write or, if not present, from the main memory.
  4. Write Propagation:
    • Once the invalidate messages have been sent and acknowledged, the cache that initiated the write operation can update the main memory with the new value if necessary. This ensures that subsequent reads from other caches or memory locations fetch the most up-to-date data.

By using the Write-Invalidate protocol, caching systems can effectively manage cache coherence by ensuring that all copies of a data item across different caches remain consistent with the most recent updates. This protocol helps in minimizing the risk of stale data and maintaining system reliability and performance. However, it may introduce additional overhead due to the need for invalidation messages and synchronization between caches.

Write-update (or write-broadcast)

When a cache writes to its copy of the shared data, it broadcasts the updated data to all other caches, which update their local copies accordingly.

Here’s how it works in the context of caching:

  1. Write Operation:
    • When a cache receives a write request for a particular data item, instead of directly updating its own copy, it propagates the updated data to all other caches that might have a copy of the same data item.
  2. Update Propagation:
    • The cache broadcasts or unicasts the updated data to all other caches holding a copy of the same data item. This update message contains the new value of the data item.
  3. Update Processing:
    • Upon receiving the update message, the recipient caches update their own copies of the data item with the new value. This ensures that all caches across the system have consistent and up-to-date copies of the data.
  4. Coherence Enforcement:
    • Unlike Write-Invalidate, there is no need for invalidation messages in Write-Update. Instead, the updated data is directly propagated to all caches, ensuring coherence without invalidating existing copies.
  5. Write Propagation:
    • Once the updated data has been propagated to all relevant caches, the cache that initiated the write operation can update the main memory with the new value if necessary. This ensures consistency between the caches and the main memory.

Write-Update reduces the need for invalidation messages and subsequent cache misses compared to Write-Invalidate. However, it requires more bandwidth for update propagation, especially in systems where writes are frequent. Write-Update is particularly useful in scenarios where write operations outnumber read operations, as it minimizes the overhead of invalidating and refetching data. However, in scenarios where writes are infrequent or where bandwidth is limited, Write-Invalidate may be a more suitable choice.

Cache Consistency Models

Cache consistency models define the rules and guarantees for how data is updated and accessed in a distributed system with multiple caches. Different consistency models offer varying levels of strictness, balancing performance with the need for data accuracy.

Strict Consistency
  • In a strongly consistent caching system, all caches hold identical copies of data, and any update to the data is immediately reflected in all caches.
  • Strong consistency ensures that clients accessing cached data observe the most recent updates and that all caches are synchronized in real-time.
  • Achieving strong consistency often involves significant coordination and communication overhead, which can impact performance, especially in distributed environments.
Sequential Consistency
  • In this model, all operations on data items appear to occur in a specific sequential order across all caches.
  • While this model allows for better performance than strict consistency, it still requires considerable synchronization and may not be practical in many distributed systems.
  • Achieving sequential consistency often requires strict ordering of memory operations and may impose performance penalties due to synchronization overhead.
  • This consistency model provides a straightforward and intuitive view of shared memory for concurrent programs.
Strong Consistency
  • Strong consistency models guarantee that all caches in the system have a consistent view of the data at all times.
  • In caching, strong consistency may be achieved through techniques such as cache invalidation or update propagation to ensure that all caches are updated synchronously whenever data changes.
  • While strong consistency provides the highest level of data consistency, it may come with performance overhead, especially in distributed systems with high latency or network congestion.
Eventual Consistency
  • In this model, all updates to a data item will eventually propagate to all caches, but there is no guarantee about the order or timing of the updates.
  • This model offers the best performance among the consistency models but provides the weakest consistency guarantees.
  • Eventual consistency is often used in distributed systems where performance and scalability are prioritized over strict data accuracy.
  • Eventual consistency is a relaxed consistency model commonly used in distributed caching systems and NoSQL databases.
  • This model prioritizes availability and partition tolerance over strict consistency, allowing for high availability and fault tolerance in distributed environments.
Causal Consistency
  • In this model, operations that are causally related (i.e., one operation depends on the outcome of another) are guaranteed to appear in order across all caches. Operations that are not causally related can occur in any order.
  • This model provides better performance than sequential consistency while still ensuring a reasonable level of data accuracy.

These cache consistency models help designers and developers choose the appropriate level of consistency for their caching systems based on factors such as performance requirements, fault tolerance, and the consistency needs of the application. Depending on the specific use case and trade-offs, caching systems may employ different consistency models or a combination of them to achieve the desired balance between consistency, availability, and performance.

Understanding cache coherence and consistency models is crucial when designing caching strategies for distributed systems or multi-core processors. By selecting the appropriate model for your system, you can strike a balance between performance and data accuracy to meet your specific requirements.

That’s all about Cache Coherence and Consistency Models. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy system design..!!

Cache Coherence and Consistency Models
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