Storage Areas

Storage Areas

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about Storage Areas. As the Part of our Applications, we required to store our Data like Employee Information, Billing Information, Calls Information etc. To store this Data, we required Storage Areas.

Storage Areas

There are 2 types of Storage Areas.

  1. Temporary Storage Areas
  2. Permanent Storage Areas
Temporary Storage Areas

Temporary storage areas are the Memory Areas where Data will be stored temporarily.


  • All JVM Memory Areas (like Heap Area, Method Area, Stack Area etc).
  • Once JVM shutdown all these Memory Areas will be cleared automatically.
Permanent Storage Areas

Permanent storage areas also known as Persistent Storage Areas. Here we can store Data permanently.


  • File Systems
  • Databases
  • Data warehouses
  • Big Data Technologies etc.
File Systems
  • File Systems can be provided by Local operating System.
  • File Systems are best suitable to store very less Amount of Information.
Limitations of File Systems
  • We cannot store huge Amount of Information. 
  • There is no Query Language support and hence operations will become very complex. 
  • There is no Security for Data. 
  • There is no Mechanism to prevent duplicate Data. Hence there may be a chance of Data Inconsistency Problems.

To overcome the above Problems of File Systems, we should go for Databases.

  • We can store Huge Amount of Information in the Databases. 
  • Query Language Support is available for every Database and hence we can perform Database Operations very easily. 
  • To access Data present in the Database, compulsory username and password must be required. Hence Data is secured. 
  • Inside Database Data will be stored in the form of Tables. While developing Database Table Schemas, Database Admin follow various Normalization Techniques and can implement various Constraints like Unique Key Constrains, Primary Key Constraints etc which prevent Data Duplication. Hence there is no chance of Data Inconsistency Problems.
Limitations of Databases 
  • Database cannot hold very Huge Amount of Information like Terabytes of Data.
  • Database can provide support only for Structured Data (Tabular Data OR Relational Data) and cannot provide support for Semi Structured Data (like XML Files) and Unstructured Data (like Video Files, Audio Files, Images etc)

To overcome this Problems we should go for more Advanced Storage Areas like Big Data Technologies, Data warehouses etc.

That’s all about the Storage Areas. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Java.!!

Storage Areas
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