HDFS Daemons

HDFS Daemons

In Hadoop HDFS there are 2 daemons. All the daemons run on their own JVMs in the background to support required services.

1. NameNode
  • Namenode daemon runs on all the masters.
  • This daemon manages the HDFS filesystem namespace. NameNode stores metadata like file name, path, number of blocks, block Ids, block locations, number of replicas, slave related config etc. 
  • It keeps the record of the changes created in file system namespace.
  • NameNode keeps the meta data in memory for fast retrival.
2. DataNode
  • DataNode daemon runs on all the slaves. 
  • The function of DataNode is to store the actual data in the HDFS. It contains the actual data blocks. HDFS cluster usually has more than one DataNodes. 
  • Data is replicated across the other machines present in the HDFS cluster. 
HDFS Daemons
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