Runtime Polymorphism in Go

Runtime Polymorphism in Go

In this tutorial, we will discuss runtime polymorphism in Go language. Runtime Polymorphism means that a call is resolved at runtime. It is achieved in Go language using interfaces.

Runtime Polymorphism in Go

Let’s understand it with an example. Different countries have different ways of calculating the tax. This can be represented using an interface.

type taxCalculator interface{

Now different countries can have their own struct and can implement the calculateTax() method. For example, for indianTax struct can be represented as below. It can also define a method calculateTax() which can do the actual calculation based on percentage.

Similarly, other country’s tax systems can also be represented by a struct, and they can also implement their own calculateTax() method to give their own value of tax.

Now let’s see how we can use this taxCalcuator interface to calculate the tax of a person settled in different countries in different parts of the year. See the below complete program for reference.

package main

import "fmt"

type taxSystem interface {
	calculateTax() int
type indianTax struct {
	taxPercentage int
	income        int

func (i *indianTax) calculateTax() int {
	tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
	return tax

type singaporeTax struct {
	taxPercentage int
	income        int

func (i *singaporeTax) calculateTax() int {
	tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
	return tax

type usaTax struct {
	taxPercentage int
	income        int

func (i *usaTax) calculateTax() int {
	tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
	return tax
func main() {
	indianTax := &indianTax{
		taxPercentage: 30,
		income:        1000,
	singaporeTax := &singaporeTax{
		taxPercentage: 10,
		income:        2000,

	taxSystems := []taxSystem{indianTax, singaporeTax}
	totalTax := calculateTotalTax(taxSystems)

	fmt.Printf("Total Tax is %d\n", totalTax)
func calculateTotalTax(taxSystems []taxSystem) int {
	totalTax := 0
	for _, t := range taxSystems {
		totalTax += t.calculateTax() //This is where runtime polymorphism happens
	return totalTax


Total Tax is 500

Run in playground

Now below is the line where run time polymorphism happens.

 totalTax += t.calculateTax() //This is where runtime polymorphism happens

The same calculateTax is used in different contexts to calculate tax. When the compiler sees this call, it delays which exact method to be called at run time. This magic happens behind the scene. If you are interested in knowing how this magic happens, then refer to this link.

Extension to add more tax systems

Now let’s extend the above program also to include the tax system for USA countries.

type usaTax struct {
    taxPercentage int
    income        int

func (i *usaTax) calculateTax() int {
    tax := i.income * i.taxPercentage / 100
    return tax

We just have to change our main function to add USA tax system.

func main() {
    indianTax := &indianTax{
        taxPercentage: 30,
        income:        1000,
    singaporeTax := &singaporeTax{
        taxPercentage: 10,
        income:        2000,
    usaTax := &usaTax{
        taxPercentage: 40,
        income:        500,

    taxSystems := []taxSystem{indianTax, singaporeTax, usaTax}
    totalTax := calculateTotalTax(taxSystems)
    fmt.Printf("Total Tax is %d\n", totalTax)

func calculateTotalTax(taxSystems []taxSystem) int {
    totalTax := 0
    for _, t := range taxSystems {
        totalTax += t.calculateTax()
    return totalTax

If you notice in the above program calculateTotalTax function doesn’t need to be changed to accommodate the USA tax system. That is the benefit of interfaces and polymorphism.

That’s all about the Runtime Polymorphism in Go language. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Go language.!!

Runtime Polymorphism in Go
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