Flyweight Design Pattern
The Flyweight Design Pattern is a structural design pattern that focuses on reducing the number of objects that need to be created, minimizing memory usage, and increasing performance. This pattern is especially useful when dealing with a large number of objects with similar states or configurations.
The key principle behind the Flyweight Design pattern is to separate the intrinsic state from the extrinsic state of an object:
Intrinsic State: This is the shared part of the state that is common across all objects and can be centralized. The intrinsic state is stored in the flyweights and is immutable.
Extrinsic State: This state varies between objects and cannot be shared. The client code must provide it when it uses the flyweight.
Flyweight objects are typically managed by a factory that ensures proper sharing. When a client requests a flyweight, the factory checks if an appropriate flyweight already exists and returns it; if not, it creates a new one.

Real World Example
A real-world example of the Flyweight design pattern is seen in text editors that handle the formatting of characters in a document. If an editor did not use the Flyweight design pattern, it would have to create a separate object for each character in the document, each storing its formatting information such as font size, style, and color. This would lead to a huge memory footprint, especially for large documents.
How Flyweight Design Pattern Applies
- The intrinsic state includes the character itself and the font face, which is common and can be shared among many character instances in the document.
- The extrinsic state is the position of the character in the document, along with other unique formatting attributes, such as whether it’s bold, italic, underlined, or highlighted.
Structure of Flyweight Design Pattern
The structural class diagram of the Flyweight Design Pattern contains the following components:
- Flyweight Interface: This is usually an abstract class or interface that contains methods that flyweight objects implement. It defines the method (
) that the Concrete Flyweight is supposed to implement. The method receives the extrinsic state as an argument. - Concrete Flyweight: Implements the Flyweight interface and has the ability to store shared intrinsic state for the application. The flyweight’s internal state, or intrinsic state, usually remains constant once it is set. To carry out some operations, the method (
) would make use of both the intrinsic and the given extrinsic state. - Flyweight Factory: Responsible for creating and managing flyweight objects. It makes sure flyweights are shared rather than duplicated. It includes a
collection, that stores the flyweights that are currently in use. ThegetFlyweight()
method first determines whether the flyweight already exists. If not, it creates a new one, adds it to the collection, and returns the current one. - Client: The client keeps track of flyweight(s). To obtain the flyweight objects, it invokes the factory’s
method. It calls the flyweight object’s method (extrinsicState
) when an operation needs to be performed, passing in the extrinsic state that is required.
Implementation of Flyweight Design Pattern
The scenario
Assume you are creating a particle system for a video game in which thousands of particles are rendered on screen, such as smoke, sparks, or magic effects. In addition to shared characteristics like texture, shape, and color, every particle possesses unique characteristics like position, velocity, and lifespan.
Flyweight Application
Instead of storing texture, shape, and color for each particle, use the Flyweight Design Pattern to share these properties across all particles, significantly reducing the memory footprint.
The pseudocode for this example is as follows:
CLASS ParticleType
PRIVATE texture, shape, color
PRIVATE STATIC typesCache = {}
STATIC METHOD createType(texture, shape, color)
IF NOT typesCache.hasKey(texture + shape + color)
typesCache[texture + shape + color] = new ParticleType(texture, shape, color)
RETURN typesCache[texture + shape + color]
CONSTRUCTOR(texture, shape, color)
this.texture = texture
this.shape = shape
this.color = color
// Context class for individual particles
CLASS Particle
PRIVATE x, y, velocityX, velocityY, lifespan, type
CONSTRUCTOR(x, y, velocityX, velocityY, lifespan, type)
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.velocityX = velocityX
this.velocityY = velocityY
this.lifespan = lifespan
this.type = type
METHOD update()
// Update particle position and lifespan
// ...
METHOD draw()
// Output the particle with its shared type properties
PRINT "Drawing particle at (" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ") with texture: " + this.type.texture
// Particle System class, acting as a client
CLASS ParticleSystem
PRIVATE particles = []
METHOD addParticle(x, y, velocityX, velocityY, lifespan, texture, shape, color)
type = ParticleType.createType(texture, shape, color)
particle = new Particle(x, y, velocityX, velocityY, lifespan, type)
METHOD updateAndDraw()
FOR particle IN particles
// Client code
particleSystem = new ParticleSystem()
particleSystem.addParticle(0, 0, 1, 1, 60, "SmokeTexture", "Circle", "Gray")
particleSystem.addParticle(10, 10, 2, 2, 60, "SmokeTexture", "Circle", "Gray")
- The
class is a flyweight that contains the shared properties for particles. createType
manages a cache to reuseParticleType
instances with the same properties.Particle
instances have unique properties likeposition
, but share a commonParticleType
.- The
class manages a collection of particles. When a new particle is added, it uses theParticleType.createType
to get or create a shared type. - During the game loop, each particle is updated and drawn using both its unique properties and shared type properties.
This example shows how the Flyweight Design Pattern can optimize a game’s particle system, allowing for thousands of particles to be rendered without significant memory overhead.
Let’s implement particle system example in programming languages.
package com.ashok.designpatterns.flyweight;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author ashok.mariyala
class ParticleType {
private static Map<String, ParticleType> cache = new HashMap<>();
private String texture, shape, color;
private ParticleType(String texture, String shape, String color) {
this.texture = texture;
this.shape = shape;
this.color = color;
public static ParticleType getParticleType(String texture, String shape, String color) {
String key = texture + shape + color;
if (!cache.containsKey(key)) {
cache.put(key, new ParticleType(texture, shape, color));
return cache.get(key);
public String getTexture(){
return texture;
// Getters for shape, and color...
class Particle {
private float x, y, velocityX, velocityY;
private int lifespan;
private ParticleType type;
public Particle(float x, float y, float velocityX, float velocityY, int lifespan, ParticleType type) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.velocityX = velocityX;
this.velocityY = velocityY;
this.lifespan = lifespan;
this.type = type;
public void update() {
x += velocityX;
y += velocityY;
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Drawing particle at (" + x + ", " + y + ") with texture: " + type.getTexture());
class ParticleSystem {
private List<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<>();
public void addParticle(float x, float y, float velocityX, float velocityY, int lifespan, String texture, String shape, String color) {
ParticleType type = ParticleType.getParticleType(texture, shape, color);
particles.add(new Particle(x, y, velocityX, velocityY, lifespan, type));
public void simulate() {
for (Particle particle : particles) {
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ParticleSystem system= new ParticleSystem();
system.addParticle(0, 0, 1, 1, 60, "SmokeTexture", "Circle", "Gray");
system.addParticle(10, 10, 2, 2, 60, "SmokeTexture", "Circle", "Gray");
Application of Flyweight Design Pattern
The Flyweight Design Pattern is especially useful in scenarios where the goal is to save memory by sharing as much data as possible between similar objects. Here are some specific applications where this pattern comes in handy:
- Game development and graphics: In games and graphics software, it is frequently necessary to render many similar objects. The system can share common properties between multiple objects, such as models, textures, or terrain data, by using flyweights. For instance, a few different tree models can be used to render a forest scene with thousands of trees.
- Text Editors: Word processors or text editors can use the Flyweight Design Pattern to control character formatting. The amount of memory used can be greatly decreased by sharing font, size, and style across characters with the same formatting, compared to each character having to store these attributes separately.
- Designing User Interfaces: Many times, UI frameworks have to produce many identical objects, like buttons, icons, or labels. It is possible to share UI element properties such as fonts, icons, and color schemes by using the Flyweight Design Pattern.
- Networking: Flyweights are useful in network applications for managing the context and state of connections, especially when working with many similar connections or sessions.
- Database Applications: Applications frequently need to represent many similar data objects when working with large datasets. Flyweights can manage shared data to minimize memory usage for cacheable data.
- Development of Web Applications: The Flyweight Design Pattern helps reduce the overall memory footprint of web pages by managing a shared style or behavior for a large number of similar DOM elements that are dynamically generated.
In each application, the flyweight serves as a shared object that can be used in multiple contexts, each with its specific state. By using the intrinsic (shared) state effectively, the Flyweight Design Pattern ensures that the memory usage is optimized without compromising the application’s functionality or design.
In summary, the Flyweight Design Pattern is a powerful tool for optimizing memory usage in applications with many similar objects by sharing intrinsic states and managing extrinsic states separately. However, it requires careful design to ensure the benefits outweigh the added complexity.
By understanding and applying design patterns like Flyweight, software developers can create more scalable and performant applications, ensuring a smoother experience for users and more efficient resource utilization.
That’s all about the Flyweight Design Pattern. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Design patterns.!!