Checking Membership
We can check whether the character or string is the member of another string or not by using in and not in operators.
s = 'Waytoeasylearn' print('a' in s) ==> True print('z' in s) ==> False
s = input("Enter main string:") subs = input("Enter sub string:") if subs in s: print(subs,"is found in main string") else: print(subs,"is not found in main string")
ashok@ashok:~$py Enter main string: waytoeasylearn Enter sub string: learn learn is found in main string ashok@ashok:~$py Enter main string: waytoeasylearn Enter sub string: java java is found in main string
Comparison of Strings
- We can use comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=) and equality operators (==, !=) for strings.
- Comparison will be performed based on alphabetical order.
s1=input("Enter first string:") s2=input("Enter Second string:") if s1==s2: print("Both strings are equal") elif s1<s2: print("First String is less than Second String") else: print("First String is greater than Second String")
ashok@ashok:~$py Enter first string:waytoeasylearn Enter Second string:waytoeasylearn Both strings are equal ashok@ashok:~$py Enter first string:waytoeasylearn Enter Second string:learn First String is greater than Second String
Removing Spaces from the String
We can use the following 3 methods
rstrip() ==> To remove spaces at right hand side lstrip() ==> To remove spaces at left hand side 3) strip() ==> To remove spaces both sides
city=input("Enter your city Name:") scity=city.strip() if scity=='Hyderabad': print("Hello Hyderbadi..Adab") elif scity=='Chennai': print("Hello Madrasi...Vanakkam") elif scity=="Bangalore": print("Hello Kannadiga...Shubhodaya") else: print("your entered city is invalid")
Finding Substrings
We can use the following 4 methods
For forward direction
- find()
- index()
For backward direction
- rfind()
- rindex()
1. find()
Returns index of first occurrence of the given sub string. If it is not available then we will get -1.
s="Learning Python is very easy" print(s.find("Python")) #9 print(s.find("Java")) # -1 print(s.find("r"))#3 print(s.rfind("r"))#21
By default find() method can search total string. We can also specify the boundaries to search.
It will always search from begin index to end-1 index.
s="durgaravipavanshiva" print(s.find('a'))#4 print(s.find('a',7,15))#10 print(s.find('z',7,15))#-1
2. index()
index() method is exactly same as find() method except that if the specified substring is not available then we will get ValueError.
s=input("Enter main string:") subs=input("Enter sub string:") try: n=s.index(subs) except ValueError: print("substring not found") else: print("substring found")
ashok@ashok:~$py Enter main string:learning python is very easy Enter sub string:python substring found ashok@ashok:~$py Enter main string:learning python is very easy Enter sub string:java substring not found
Counting substring in the given String
We can find the number of occurrences of substring present in the given string by using count() method.
s.count(substring) ==> It will search through out the string. s.count(substring, bEgin, end) ==> It will search from bEgin index to end-1 index.
s="abcabcabcabcadda" print(s.count('a')) 6 print(s.count('ab')) 4 print(s.count('a',3,7)) 2
Replacing a String with another String
s.replace(oldstring, newstring)
inside s, every occurrence of old String will be replaced with new String.
s = "Learning Python is very difficult" s1 = s.replace("difficult","easy") print(s1)
Learning Python is very easy
s = "ababababababab" s1 = s.replace("a","b") print(s1)
String Objects are Immutable then how we can change the Content by using replace() Method
s = "abab" s1 = s.replace("a","b") print(s,"is available at :",id(s)) print(s1,"is available at :",id(s1))
abab is available at : 4568672 bbbb is available at : 4568704
In the above example, original object is available and we can see new object which was created because of replace() method.
Splitting of Strings
We can split the given string according to specified separator by using split() method.
l = s.split(seperator)
The default separator is space. The return type of split() method is List.
s="Welcome to waytoeasylearn" l=s.split() for x in l: print(x)
Welcome to waytoeasylearn
s="27-09-2020" l=s.split('-') for x in l: print(x)
27 09 2020
Joining of Strings
We can join a Group of Strings (List OR Tuple) w.r.t the given Separator.
s = seperator.join(group of strings)
t = ('Mariyala', 'Venkata', 'Ashok', 'Kumar') s = '-'.join(t) print(s)
Changing Case of a String
We can change case of a string by using the following 5 methods.
- upper(): To convert all characters to upper case
- lower(): To convert all characters to lower case
- swapcase(): Converts all lower case characters to upper case and all upper case characters to lower case
- title(): To convert all character to title case. i.e first character in every word should be upper case and all remaining characters should be in lower case.
- capitalize(): Only first character will be converted to upper case and all remaining characters can be converted to lower case.
s = 'learning Python is very Easy' print(s.upper()) print(s.lower()) print(s.swapcase()) print(s.title()) print(s.capitalize())
LEARNING PYTHON IS VERY EASY learning python is very easy LEARNING pYTHON IS VERY eASY Learning Python Is Very Easy Learning python is very easy
Checking Starting and Ending Part of the String
Python contains the following methods for this purpose
- s.startswith(substring)
- s.endswith(substring)
s = 'learning Python is very easy' print(s.startswith('learning')) ==> True print(s.endswith('learning')) ==> False print(s.endswith('easy')) ==> True