String Datatype

String Datatype

Any sequence of characters within either single quotes or double quotes is considered as a String.

The most commonly used object in any project and in any programming language is String only. Hence we should aware complete information about String datatype.


s = 'Waytoeasylearn' 
s = "Waytoeasylearn"


In most of other languages like C, C++, Java, a single character with in single quotes is treated as char data type value. But in Python we are not having char data type. Hence it is treated as String only.


>>> ch = 'a' 
>>> type(ch) 
<class 'str'>

We can define multi-line String literals by using triple single or double quotes.


>>> s = '''Welcome 

We can also use triple quotes to use single quotes or double quotes as symbol inside String literal.

s = 'This is ' single quote symbol' ==> Invalid 
s = 'This is \' single quote symbol' ==> Valid 
s = "This is ' single quote symbol" ==> Valid 
s = 'The "Python Tutorial" by 'Waytoeasylearn' is very helpful' ==> Invalid 
s = "The "Python Tutorial" by 'Waytoeasylearn' is very helpful" ==> Invalid 
s = 'The \"Python Tutorial\" by \'Waytoeasylearn\' is very helpful' ==> Valid 8
s = '''The "Python Tutorial" by 'Waytoeasylearn' is very helpful''' ==> Valid

String Datatype
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