Retry Pattern
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about the Retry Pattern. The Retry Pattern is a design pattern used in distributed systems to handle transient failures that can occur during communication between services.
Have you ever wondered how modern applications handle failures? Have you ever been curious about the mechanisms that prevent a temporary issue from turning into a system-wide outage? If you’ve nodded your head in agreement, then this tutorial is tailor-made for you! We are about to dig into one of the most fundamental design patterns used in distributed systems – the Retry Pattern.
Navigating Challenges and Leveraging the Retry Pattern
Distributed systems come with their unique benefits such as increased reliability, performance, and scalability. Yet, these advantages are not without their fair share of challenges. One of the most critical challenges is dealing with unreliable external resources, which is where our main topic, the Retry Pattern, comes into play.
Now you might be wondering, “What are these external resources?” These resources could be anything that your system interacts with, such as databases, external APIs, or even other microservices within your own system. The problem arises when these resources are temporarily unavailable or slow to respond. It’s like being a quarterback ready to throw a pass, but your wide receiver is not in position. What do you do? You could cancel the play, or you could buy some time and wait for the receiver to get open.
The Problem: Unreliable External Resources in Distributed Systems
In the dazzling world of distributed systems, one question that frequently pops up is, “What happens when things go wrong?” Well, that’s a great question because, let’s face it, in the real world, things do go wrong! More specifically, things often go wrong with external resources. But, what exactly are these external resources, and why are they often so problematic?
Let’s imagine you’re running a bustling online store. Your application interacts with various services like inventory databases, payment gateways, third-party delivery APIs, and more. All these services are external resources. They are the links in the chain that your application depends upon to function smoothly.
However, these resources, like everything else in the world, are not infallible. They can have temporary hiccups due to network glitches, load spikes, or even hardware failures. Think of it as a traffic jam on the way to your physical store – the destination is intact and the vehicle is working fine, but the path is temporarily blocked. When one of these ‘traffic jams’ happens in your application, operations that depend on these resources are bound to fail.
In a monolithic system, you might have a single database or a couple of internal services that, if they fail, will bring down the whole system. The probability of such a failure happening is relatively low, and when it does happen, there’s nothing much left to do but restore the service as quickly as possible.
However, in a distributed system, things are different. Your application is now a collection of smaller services, each potentially interacting with multiple external resources. The chances of encountering a transient failure in one of these many interactions significantly increase. It’s as if you own a chain of stores now, spread across different locations. If there’s a traffic jam blocking the route to one of your stores, it doesn’t mean all your other stores need to close as well.
This is precisely the kind of resilience that distributed systems aim to achieve. When an operation fails due to a transient error with an external resource, we don’t want the entire system to collapse. Instead, we prefer a strategy that can tolerate these hiccups and continue serving the users.
In many cases, the transient errors resolve themselves after a short period. It’s like waiting for the traffic jam to clear. So, one naive solution would be to retry the failed operation immediately. Sounds good, right? Well, not so fast! This approach can backfire quite spectacularly.
Why is that, you may wonder? Let’s go back to the traffic jam analogy. What happens if all the blocked vehicles decide to move forward at the same time as soon as the path clears a bit? Chaos, right? The same thing can happen in your system. If all the failed operations are retried at once, it might lead to a sudden spike in load, causing more harm than good. This is known as the thundering herd problem, a situation we definitely want to avoid.
Moreover, repeatedly trying to interact with an unavailable resource can waste valuable processing power and network bandwidth. This is akin to repeatedly trying to open a locked door. It’s not going to budge until someone unlocks it, so continuously pushing against it will only exhaust you.
Finally, not all errors are transient. Some failures are more permanent and will not resolve themselves over time. Retrying operations in such scenarios will just delay the inevitable, impacting your system’s responsiveness and user experience.
So, how do we tackle these issues? We want to make our system resilient to transient errors, but we also need to avoid the pitfalls of mindless and aggressive retries. The answer lies in a thoughtful approach to retrying failed operations, one that can adapt based on the nature of the error and the response of the system – the Retry Pattern.
In the software world, you might have heard about “defensive programming“. The Retry Pattern is a great example of this concept. It is about being ready for unexpected issues and having a plan to manage them gracefully. With the Retry Pattern, we can attempt to perform an operation that might fail, taking precautions to avoid the pitfalls of naive retries and enhancing the overall reliability of our system.
The Retry Pattern can be especially beneficial in microservices architecture where services often communicate over a network. Network communication is inherently unreliable – packets can get lost, latency can fluctuate, and servers can become temporarily unreachable. These are all transient errors that the Retry Pattern can handle effectively.
The application of the Retry Pattern isn’t limited to network communication. It can be applied anywhere in your system where an operation has a reasonable chance of succeeding after a transient failure. Database operations, filesystem operations, inter-process communication – the Retry Pattern can improve reliability in all these scenarios.
The Retry Pattern not only helps us manage transient failures but also enhances the user experience. Instead of throwing an error at the user at the first sign of trouble, we can make a few more attempts to complete their request. The user might not even notice the hiccup.
As with any design pattern, the Retry Pattern is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It needs to be implemented thoughtfully, considering the nature of your application and the operations you’re trying to protect. For example, retrying a failed operation immediately might make sense in a high-speed trading application where every millisecond counts. In contrast, a social media app might choose to wait a bit longer before retrying a failed operation to avoid overloading the servers.
Now, before we move ahead, let’s address the elephant in the room. Isn’t the Retry Pattern just a fancy name for a simple loop that tries an operation until it succeeds? Well, at a high level, it might seem that way. But there’s much more to the Retry Pattern than just looping over a piece of code. To truly appreciate its intricacies and understand how to implement it effectively, we need to dive deeper into its architecture and inner workings.
How does the Retry Pattern decide when to retry an operation and when to give up? How does it avoid the thundering herd problem? What happens when the operation being retried has side effects? Let’s explore these questions in the following tutorials. We will also discuss a real-world Java example to understand the Retry Pattern’s practical implementation, discuss its performance implications, and look at some typical use cases.
By the end of this journey, you will have a thorough understanding of the Retry Pattern and how it can enhance the reliability and resilience of your distributed system. So, are you ready to dive deep into the Retry Pattern? Let’s get started!
The Retry Pattern: A Solution
Now that we’ve set the stage with the problems of unreliable operations in distributed systems, it’s time to introduce our hero – the Retry Pattern.

Understanding the Retry Pattern
At its core, the Retry Pattern is a way to enhance the reliability and resilience of our applications. It does this by allowing our system to automatically retry an operation that failed due to a temporary issue, thereby improving the chances of the operation eventually succeeding.
When we say “retry”, we’re talking about automatically repeating a failed operation in the hopes that the cause of the failure was temporary and the operation will eventually succeed. But the Retry Pattern isn’t about simply running a loop until an operation succeeds. There’s more sophistication and strategy involved in it, and we’ll be exploring those aspects in detail in this section.
But first, let’s address a question that might be on your mind. Why would an operation fail due to a temporary issue? Well, let’s think about it. In distributed systems, there are many reasons why a component might become temporarily unavailable or a network might become congested, causing an operation to fail. These are called transient failures.
A service could be restarting, a database might be overloaded, a network router might be congested, a DNS server might be unresponsive, or a cloud provider might be experiencing an outage. These are all examples of transient issues that could cause an operation to fail. However, these failures are typically short-lived. So, if we try the operation again after a short delay, it has a reasonable chance of succeeding.
Components of the Retry Pattern
The Retry Pattern generally involves four key components:
- The Operation: This is the code we are executing and potentially retrying. It could be a network request, a database operation, a file system operation, or any other type of code that could fail due to a transient issue.
- The Retry Policy: This policy defines the conditions under which an operation should be retried. For example, the policy could specify that only network errors should trigger a retry, or it could be more generic and allow retries for any type of exception.
- The Retry Delay: This is the delay between retries. Instead of retrying immediately after a failure, we usually wait for a short delay before attempting the operation again. This gives the system a chance to recover from whatever issue caused the failure.
- The Maximum Number of Retries: This is the maximum number of times the operation will be retried before giving up. It’s essential to have a limit on the number of retries to avoid an infinite loop in case the operation never succeeds.
Implementing the Retry Pattern
Implementing the Retry Pattern involves executing an operation and catching any exceptions that it throws. If an exception is caught, we check if it matches our retry policy. If it does, we wait for the specified retry delay and then try the operation again. We repeat this process until the operation succeeds or we reach the maximum number of retries.
It’s worth mentioning that the delay between retries can be a fixed value, but it’s often more effective to use an exponential backoff strategy. This means the delay doubles (or increases by some other factor) after each failed attempt. Exponential backoff helps to avoid overwhelming a struggling system with a flurry of retries.
Let’s dive into an illustrative example to get a better sense of these components and how they work together. How about trying to read a file that might not be immediately available? Or what about making a network request that might initially fail due to network congestion or a temporary service outage?
That’s the essence of the Retry Pattern – a simple yet powerful approach to enhancing the reliability of our distributed systems. However, implementing the Retry Pattern effectively requires a solid understanding of its architecture, nuances, and potential pitfalls. Let’s explore these aspects in the following tutorials.
The Architecture of the Retry Pattern
The Retry Pattern is based on a simple yet elegant architecture. At its core is the operation that we’re trying to execute, surrounded by a layer of retry logic.
The retry logic, the real meat of the Retry Pattern, is responsible for implementing the retry policy, handling the retry delay, and managing the maximum number of retries. When an operation is executed, the retry logic stands ready to catch any exceptions that might be thrown. If an exception is caught, the retry logic kicks in to handle the situation based on the retry policy.
For instance, if the retry policy allows retries for the type of exception that was thrown, the retry logic waits for the specified retry delay and then executes the operation again. If the operation fails again and the maximum number of retries hasn’t been reached, the retry logic repeats the process. If the maximum number of retries is reached, or if the exception isn’t covered by the retry policy, the retry logic allows the exception to propagate up the call stack.
Digging Deeper into the Retry Policy
The retry policy is one of the key components of the Retry Pattern. It determines which exceptions should trigger a retry and which should not. A well-defined retry policy is crucial for the effectiveness of the Retry Pattern. If the policy is too broad, the system might end up wasting resources by retrying operations that have no chance of succeeding. If the policy is too narrow, the system might miss opportunities to recover from temporary failures.
The retry policy can be as simple or as complex as needed. It could be a whitelist of exceptions that should trigger a retry, or it could be a function that analyzes the exception and the current state of the system to decide whether a retry is appropriate.
The Importance of the Retry Delay and Maximum Number of Retries
The retry delay and the maximum number of retries are two crucial aspects of the Retry Pattern. They help to prevent the system from being overwhelmed by a flood of retries and from getting stuck in an infinite loop of retries.
The retry delay gives the system a chance to recover from the issue that caused the failure. The delay can be a fixed value, or it can be dynamically calculated based on factors such as the number of failed attempts or the nature of the exception.
The maximum number of retries ensures that the system doesn’t get stuck trying to execute an operation that is never going to succeed. Once this limit is reached, the system gives up and allows the exception to propagate up the call stack. This can trigger fallback mechanisms, notify the user about the issue, or activate other error-handling strategies.
In the next tutorials, we’ll see how to put these concepts into practice with a practical Java example, explore potential issues and considerations when implementing the Retry Pattern, and look at common use cases and system design examples. Stay tuned!
That’s all about the Retry Pattern overview. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Microservices..!!.!!