- Package is a collection of sub programs which contains functions and procedures.
- Package contains two sections
- Package Specification
- Package Body
- Package specification and package body name should starts with create and ends with end statement.
- Here package specification name and package body name should be same.
- Package contains only functions or only procedures or combinations both also.
Develop a package employee details when department number passed as IN value.
create or replace package sixpack is procedure p1 (p_deptno in emp.deptno%type); function myfun (p_deptno in emp.deptno%type) return number; end; create or replace package body sixpack is procedure p1 (p_deptno in emp.deptno%type) is a emp%rowtype; cursor c is select * from emp where deptno=p_deptno; begin open c; loop fetch c into a; if c% found then dbms_output.put_line(a.empno||' '||a.sal||' '||a.deptno); else exit; end if; end loop; end p1; function myfun (p_deptno in emp.deptno%type) return number is c number; begin select count(*) into c from emp where deptno=p_deptno; return c; end myfun; end;
Execution Process
SQL> var a number SQL> exec :a:=sixpack.myfun(30) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> print a A --------- 6
That’s it guys. This is all about PL/SQL Tutorial. Let me know your comments and suggestions about this tutorial. Thank you.