Memory Areas in JVM
In this tutorial we are going to discuss about Various Memory Areas in JVM (Java virtual machine). Whenever a Java virtual machine runs a program, it needs memory to store many things, including byte codes and other information it extracts from loaded class files, objects the program instantiates, parameters to methods, return values, local variables, and intermediate results of computations.
The Java virtual machine organizes the memory it needs to execute a program into several run time data areas. The following are the memory areas in JVM.
- Method Area
- Heap Area
- Stack Area
- PC Registers
- Native Method Stack
1. Method Area
- For every JVM one method area will be available
- Method area will be created at the time of JVM start up.
- Inside method area class level binary data including static variables will be stored
- Constant pools of a class will be stored inside method area.
- Method area can be accessed by multiple threads simultaneously.
- The size of the method area need not be fixed. As the Java application runs, the virtual machine can expand and contract the method area to fit the application’s needs.
- All threads share the same method area, so access to the method area’s data structures must be designed to be thread-safe.

2. Heap Area
- For every JVM one heap area will be available
- Heap area will be created at the time of JVM start up.
- Objects and corresponding instance variables will be stored in the heap area.
- Every array in java is object only hence arrays also will be stored in the heap area.
- Heap area can be access by multiple threads and hence the data stored in the heap area is not thread safe.
- Heap area need not be continued.

Display heap memory statistics
A java application can communicate with JVM by using Runtime class object. A Runtime class is a singleton class and we can create Runtime object by using getRuntime() method.
Runtime run = Runtime.getRunner();
Once we got runtime object we can call the following methods on that object.
1. maxMemory()
It returns number of bytes of maximum memory allocated to the heap.
2. totalMemory()
It returns number of bytes of total memory allocated to the heap.
3. freeMemory()
It returns number of bytes of free memory present in the heap.
public class HeapSpaceDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
System.out.println("Maximum memory " +runtime.maxMemory());
System.out.println("Total memory " +runtime.totalMemory());
System.out.println("Free memory " +runtime.freeMemory());
Maximum memory 889192448
Total memory 60293120
Free memory 58719832
Set Maximum and Minimum heap size
Heap memory is a finite memory based on our requirement we can increase or decrease heap size. We can use following options for your requirement
To set maximum heap size , i.e., maxMemory
java -Xmx512m HeapSpaceDemo
Here mx = maximum size
512m = 512 MB
HeapSpaceDemo = Java class name
To set minimum heap size , i.e., total memory
java -Xms65m HeapSpaceDemo Â
Here ms = minimum size
65m = 65 MB
HeapSpaceDemo = Java class name
or, you can set a minimum maximum heap size at a time
java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m HeapSpaceDemo
3. Stack Memory
For every thread JVM will create a runtime stack at the time of thread creation. Each and every method call performed by the thread and corresponding local variables will be stored by in the stack,
For every method call a separate entry will be added to the stack and each entry is called “Stack frame” or “activation record”.
After completing the method call the corresponding entry will be removed from the stack. After completing the all method calls the stack will become empty and that empty stack will be destroyed by the JVM just before terminating the thread.
The data stored in the stack is private to the corresponding thread.

Stack Frame Structure
Stack frame contains 3 parts
- Local Variable Array
- Operand Stack
- Frame Data
1. Local Variable Array
- It contains all parameters and local variables of the method.
- Each slot in the array is of 4 bytes.
- Values of type int, float and reference occupied 1 slot in array.
- Values of type long, double occupied 2 consecutive entries in the array.
- byte, short, char values will be converted to int type before storing and occupy one slot.
- The way of storing boolean type is varied from JVM to JVM, but most of the JVM’s follow one slot for boolean values.
public static void m1(long l, int i, double d, String s) {

2. Operand Stack
- JVM uses operand stack as work space.
- Some instructions can push the values to the operand stack and some instructions perform required operations and some instructions store results etc.
- The operand stack follows the last-in first-out (LIFO) methodology.
- For example, the iadd instruction adds two integers by popping two ints off the top of the operand stack, adding them, and pushing the int result. Here is how a Java virtual machine would add two local variables that contain ints and store the int result in a third local variable
iload_0 // push the int in local variable 0
iload_1 // push the int in local variable 1
iadd // pop two ints, add them, push result
istore_2 // pop int, store into local variable 2

3. Frame Data
In addition to the local variables and operand stack, the Java stack frame includes data to support constant pool resolution, all symbolic references related to that method, normal method return, and exception dispatch.
This data is stored in the frame data portion of the Java stack frame. It also contains a referenced to exception table which contains corresponding catch block information in the case of exceptions. When a method throws an exception, the Java virtual machine uses the exception table referred to by the frame data to determine how to handle the exception.
Whenever the Java virtual machine encounters any of the instructions that refer to an entry in the constant pool, it uses the frame data’s pointer to the constant pool to access that information.
4. PC Registers (Program Counter Registers)
For every thread a separate PC register will be created at the time of thread creation. PC register contains address of current executing instruction. Once instruction execution completes automatically PC register will be incremented to hold address of next instruction. An “address” can be a native pointer or an offset from the beginning of a method’s byte codes.
5. Native Method Stacks
Here also for every Thread a separate run time stack will be created. It contains all the native methods used in the application. Native method means methods written in a language other than the Java programming language. In other words, it is a stack used to execute C/C++ codes invoked through JNI (Java Native Interface). According to the language, a C stack or C++ stack is created.
When a thread invokes a Java method, the virtual machine creates a new frame and pushes it onto the Java stack. When a thread invokes a native method, however, that thread leaves the Java stack behind. Instead of pushing a new frame onto the thread’s Java stack, the Java virtual machine will simply dynamically link to and directly invoke the native method.
That’s all about various memory areas in JVM. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us at Enjoy learning, Enjoy JVM..!!