Limitations of Python

Limitations of Python

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about the Limitations of Python programming language. While Python is a powerful and versatile programming language, it does have some limitations.

Limitations of Python

Here are some of the notable drawbacks and challenges associated with Python:

  • Performance wise not up to the mark because it is interpreted language.
  • Python is not a very good language for mobile development.
  • Python is not a good choice for memory intensive tasks. Due to the flexibility of the data-types, Python’s memory consumption is also high.
  • Python has limitations with database access . As compared to the popular technologies like JDBC and ODBC, the Python’s database access layer is found to be bit underdeveloped and primitive.
  • Python programmers cited several issues with the design of the language. Because the language is dynamically typed , it requires more testing and has errors that only show up at runtime.
  • Depends on Third-Party Frameworks and Libraries.
  • Does not Provide Prebuilt Statistical Models and Tests.
  • Lesser Libraries than C, Java, Perl.
  • Unlike other modern programming languages, Python does not support block comments.

That’s all about the Limitations of Python programming language. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Python language.!!

Limitations of Python
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