Java SOLID Principles
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss Java SOLID Principles. SOLID principles are one of the most popular sets of design principles in object-oriented software development.
The SOLID principle was introduced by Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob, and it is a coding standard in programming. SOLID principles are object-oriented design concepts relevant to software development.

Why SOLID Principles?
In object-oriented programming languages, the classes are the building blocks of any application. If these blocks are not strong, the building (i.e., the application) will face a tough future.
Poorly designed applications can lead the team to very difficult situations when the application scope goes up, or the implementation faces certain design issues in production or maintenance.
On the other hand, a set of well-designed and written classes can speed up the coding process while reducing the tech debt and the number of bugs in comparison. The SOLID principles were developed to combat these problematic design patterns.
The main goal of the SOLID principles is to reduce dependencies so that engineers change one area of software without impacting others. Additionally, they’re intended to make designs easier to understand, maintain, and extend. Ultimately, using these design principles makes it easier for software engineers to avoid issues and build adaptive, effective, and agile software.
Object-oriented design (OOD) plays a crucial role in writing flexible, scalable, maintainable, and reusable code in software development. There are many benefits of using OOD, but every developer should also know the SOLID principle for good object-oriented design in programming.
While the SOLID principles come with many benefits, they generally lead to writing longer and more complex code. This means that it can extend the design process and make development a little more difficult. However, this extra time and effort are well worth it because it makes software so much easier to maintain, test, and extend.
These SOLID principles are not a cure-all and won’t avoid design issues. That said, the SOLID principles have become popular because they lead to better code for readability, maintainability, design patterns, and testability when followed correctly. In the current environment, all developers should know and utilize these principles.
SOLID is an acronym that stands for five key design principles:
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Open-Closed Principle
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- Interface Segregation Principle
- Dependency Inversion Principle.
All five are commonly used by software engineers and provide some important benefits for developers. Â These five principles have changed the world of object-oriented programming, and also changed the way of writing software.
The SOLID principle helps in reducing tight coupling. Tight coupling means a group of classes are highly dependent on one another, which you should avoid in your code. Opposite of tight coupling is loose coupling, and your code is considered a good code when it has loosely coupled classes. Loosely coupled classes minimize changes in your code, help in making code more reusable, maintainable, flexible, and stable. Now let’s discuss one by one these principles in upcoming tutorials.