Helm Introduction
This tutorial will discuss helm introduction and how they form a powerful tool for working with Kubernetes resources.
Kubernetes is a beneficial tool for cloud-native developers. But it doesn’t cover all the bases on its own – there are some things that Kubernetes cannot solve or that are outside its scope.
What is Helm ?

Helm is an open-source project created by DeisLabs and donated to CNCF, which now maintains it.
Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications. Helm charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application.
In simple terms, Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes applications. Whenever an application needs to be deployed within Kubernetes cluster, it involves n number of components and organizing those components in the proper order for the proper dependencies and deploying the correct version into the cluster.
After testing, it’s going to be a challenging task depending on the size of the application, and here’s where the helm will facilitate deploying the entire package into the Kubernetes cluster.
It will visualize the application as a package where all the dependencies will be packed together and can share the entire package as well as deployed into the Kubernetes cluster.
Also, helm facilitates upgrading and rollback the changes by maintaining the versions. We can visualize helm like APT or yum package managers available within the Linux world, and it automates the version handling as well as automate the deployment, upgrade and rollback of various versions.
And the entire package can be packaged as a file and shared with the team members or other teams.
The central concept of the helm is about templatizing the deployment descriptor so that the values that are going to get changed for different environments can be fed as an input value or as separate value files.
The templates can be stored within the repositories, and only the Values that are going to get changed depending on the environment can be maintained in different files. The required files can be provided as input.
So basically, helm can handle the entire lifecycle of the application right, from creating, installing, upgrading, rollback delete, status maintenance, and version handling of the applications.
So overall, helm going to provide more benefits, that is repeatability, reliability, and it can manage multiple environments with the same templates.
And it’s going to facilitate easy collaboration as everything will be defined within the files, and no configurations will go out of the file.
So the entire file can be versioned, and it can be integrated easily with the CI/CD environment, and it can handle any complex environment within the production world.
Helm also keeps a release history of all deployed charts, so you can go back to a previous release if something went wrong.
The original goal of Helm was to provide users with a better way to manage all the Kubernetes YAML files we create on Kubernetes projects.
As a part of this helm tutorial, we will see all the features listed over here. That is the automation of upgrade, rollback, templatizing for different environments, and involving helm in different stages, creating our custom repositories and a lot more.
So don’t worry about the terminologies that I have discussed over here. We will have a detailed discussion on every topic using a production-grade Kubernetes cluster, and we will see the simple scenario too complex scenario of the helm.
That’s it about introduction to the helm. We will discuss more helm in upcoming tutorials.