Circuit Breaker System Design
In this tutorial, we are going to discuss about the Circuit Breaker System Design examples. Designing a circuit breaker system involves various considerations depending on the application, including the type of load, voltage levels, and safety requirements.
Use Cases and System Design Examples
As we’ve seen so far, the Circuit Breaker pattern can be a powerful strategy for building resilient systems. But where and how can it be used effectively? In this section, we’ll explore some common use cases for the Circuit Breaker pattern and provide some system design examples that illustrate the pattern in action.
Use Case 1: Microservices Architecture
Microservices architectures have gained popularity due to their ability to create loosely coupled, independently deployable components. But they also introduce more points of communication, and consequently, more points of failure.
Consider a typical e-commerce application split into microservices such as user management, product catalog, shopping cart, and order processing. Each service might depend on others to fulfill requests. For example, the order processing service might rely on the product catalog to validate product availability and the user management service to validate user credentials.
Now, what happens if the product catalog service starts failing? Without any safeguards in place, the failures would start impacting the order processing service, leading to a degraded user experience or even a total outage.
Here, the Circuit Breaker pattern can be invaluable. By placing a Circuit Breaker in front of the product catalog service, the order processing service can detect failures quickly and stop sending requests to the failing service. It can instead fall back to a cached product list or even fail gracefully by providing a relevant error message to the user.
This is just one instance of how the Circuit Breaker pattern can be used effectively in a microservices architecture. By isolating faults and preventing them from cascading, it can significantly enhance the system’s resilience and ensure high availability.
Use Case 2: External API Integration
Integrating external APIs into your system is another scenario where the Circuit Breaker pattern can shine. External APIs are outside of your control and can be unpredictable. They can have downtime, latency spikes, or rate limiting policies that can impact your system.
Imagine a weather forecasting application that pulls data from several external weather APIs. If one of these APIs starts to fail or becomes slow, it could degrade the overall performance of the application or even cause it to fail.
By implementing a Circuit Breaker for each external API, the application can detect and isolate the problematic API, ensuring that its issues do not affect the overall system. The application could then either switch to another API or provide a degraded service until the faulty API recovers.
Use Case 3: Database Access
Database access is a crucial part of most applications, and database issues can quickly lead to severe system problems. Whether it’s due to network issues, resource contention, or database server failures, these problems can cause slow responses or errors in your application.
A Circuit Breaker can help here too. For instance, in a system with a read-heavy database load, a Circuit Breaker can monitor the database’s health. If it detects an increasing error rate or latency, it can trip and redirect read operations to a read replica or a cache, ensuring continuous service availability.
The same can be applied for write operations, albeit with more caution. In the case of increased errors or latency, a Circuit Breaker could trip and temporarily buffer write operations. However, it’s crucial to handle this carefully, as data consistency can be at risk, and the buffer could become a bottleneck.
System Design Example: Distributed Social Media Platform

Now let’s imagine a distributed social media platform. The platform comprises several services: User Management, Post Management, Feed Generation, and more. Each of these services might be running on multiple nodes for high availability and load balancing.
In this scenario, the Circuit Breaker pattern can be applied in several places. For instance, Circuit Breakers could be placed in front of the User Management service. This would allow services relying on it, such as the Post Management and Feed Generation, to quickly detect when the User Management service is struggling. They could then reduce the load on the User Management service by providing a degraded service, such as displaying cached user information or providing simplified post feeds.
Similarly, a Circuit Breaker could be applied to the interaction between the Post Management service and the database storing the posts. If the database starts experiencing problems, the Circuit Breaker could trip and the Post Management service could start serving cached posts or stop accepting new posts temporarily.
Even external services, like an email service used for notifications, could have a Circuit Breaker. If the email service starts failing, the Circuit Breaker would prevent the notification feature from impacting the rest of the system.
In a distributed setting like this, we could also consider using a shared Circuit Breaker for each service, stored in a distributed cache. This would help maintain consistency across all nodes, ensuring that if a Circuit Breaker trips on one node, it trips on all nodes. However, this would need to be balanced against the additional complexity and potential performance impact.
To complement the Circuit Breakers, the system should also have a comprehensive monitoring and alerting setup. It should monitor the state of all Circuit Breakers and alert developers or system administrators when a Circuit Breaker trips. This would ensure quick detection and remediation of issues.
Remember, the goal is not to eliminate failures – they are inevitable in any system. Instead, the objective is to manage failures effectively, preventing them from cascading and causing system-wide outages. The Circuit Breaker pattern, when used judiciously and in conjunction with other resiliency patterns, can play a key role in achieving this goal.
That’s all about the Circuit Breaker System Design examples. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us email at Enjoy learning, Enjoy Microservices..!!