Relational Operators

Relational Operators

Relational operators also called Comparison operators. These are used to compare values. It returns either True or False according to the condition.

>  ==>	Greater than : True if left operand is greater than the right
<  ==> 	Less than : True if left operand is less than the right
>= ==>	Greater than or equal to : True if left operand is greater than or equal to the right
<= ==>	Less than or equal to : True if left operand is less than or equal to the right
== ==>	Equal to : True if both operands are equal
!= ==>	Not equal to : True if operands are not equal


a = 10
b = 20
print("a > b is ", a > b)
print("a >= b is ", a >= b)
print("a < b is ", a < b)
print("a <= b is ", a <= b)
print("a == b is ", a == b)
print("a != b is ", a != b)


a > b is False
a >= b is False
a < b is True
a <= b is True
a == b is False
a != b is True

We can apply relational operators for str types also.

print("a > b is ", a>b)
print("a >= b is ", a>=b)
print("a < b is ", a<b)
print("a <= b is ", a<=b)
print("a == b is ", a == b)
print("a != b is ", a != b)


a > b is False
a >= b is True
a < b is False
a <= b is True
a == b is True
a != b is False


print(True > True) ==> False
print(True >= True) ==> True
print(10 > True) ==> True
print(False > True) ==> False
print(10 > 'waytoeasylearn') ==> TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'


Chaining of relational operators is possible. In the chaining, if all comparisons returns True then only result is True. If at least one comparison returns False then the result is False.

10<20 ==> True
10<20<30 ==> True
10<20<30<40 ==> True
10<20<30<40>50 ==> False
10==20==30==40 ==> False
10==10==10==10 ==> True
Relational Operators
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