EC2 User Data
In this tutorial, we are going to explore about the working knowledge of EC2 user data and how they can used to perform system-level tasks. In AWS, EC2 User Data refers to a script or set of commands that are passed to an EC2 instance at launch. It allows users to automate initial setup tasks, such as installing software, configuring services, or setting environment variables, without manual intervention after the instance starts.
The user data script runs only during the first boot of the instance. This feature is especially useful for automating instance configuration and deployment processes.
Automating the configuration process is essential when launching EC2 instances, especially in dynamic and scalable environments. Without automation, administrators would need to manually configure each instance after launch, which is time-consuming and error-prone, especially in large-scale deployments. In this lesson, we will understand what and why user data is essential and how it works with an example.
EC2 user data
EC2 User data is crucial for EC2 instances to enable automated, customized, and consistent configuration. It facilitates infrastructure as code practices, supports dynamic configuration, optimizes costs, and integrates with other AWS services. These capabilities are essential for managing and scaling infrastructure effectively in cloud environments.
User data is added through the additional details on the instance launch page. Once all the procedures to launch the instance are complete and the instance is launched. The instance may take some additional time to execute the user data script. The user data script is executed automatically after the instance is launched and the operating system boots up.

EC2 User data allows to run commands/scripts when launching an EC2 instance. User data can be used to automate configuration tasks and even run scripts after the instance starts. It can be a script or cloud-init directives; scripts can be a shell script or any other scripting language supported by the chosen operating system. Let’s look at an example of user data.
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
echo "<h1>Welcome to EC2 - User Data Example</h1>" > /var/www/html/index.html
The above script installs Apache web server and creates a custom HTML file
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
$HTMLContent = "<h1>Welcome to EC2 - User Data Example</h1>"
Set-Content -Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html -Value $HTMLContent
The above script installs IIS and creates a custom HTML page.
How user data works
The EC2 user data script is executed with root privileges on the instance, allowing it to perform system-level tasks such as installing software, configuring services, and downloading files. The script has access to instance metadata, which includes information such as instance ID, Region, Availability Zone, and more. This metadata can be used to customize the behavior of the user data script based on the instance’s environment.
Let’s look at an example to deploy two applications in the private subnet. We can either deploy the application on an EC2 instance in the private subnet and then use Instance Connect Endpoint to execute the commands using the connect terminal. However, this approach is not scalable. Alternatively, we can use a script of commands and pass it as user data to the instance.

The architecture diagram highlights the two different approaches to launching an application on an EC2 instance in the private subnet; such scenarios are very common during the testing phase of an application. During testing, applications are deployed in a private subnet to test for different features.
is launched, and then we created an Instance Connect Endpoint to connect to the terminal then, we executed the commands, which are launched with a user data script to launch the application directly. Whereas App-02
is launched using EC2 user data.
How to Use EC2 User Data?
1. Specify User Data During Instance Launch
You can input the user data script during the Launch Instance Wizard:
- Navigate to the Step 3: Configure Instance Details.
- In the Advanced Details section, find the User Data text box.
- Enter the script or upload a file.
2. Supported Formats
The script must be in bash for Linux instances or PowerShell for Windows.
Features of EC2 User Data
1. Runs at Instance Launch
Executes only during the first boot. If needed, you can modify or re-run it manually.
2. Supports Various Script Formats
- Shell scripts (Linux-based EC2 instances).
- PowerShell scripts (Windows-based EC2 instances).
3. Use Cases
- Automating software installation (e.g., Apache, Nginx, MySQL).
- Configuring system settings (e.g., hostname, network settings).
- Running application-specific scripts.
Best Practices
- Security: Avoid including sensitive information like passwords in plaintext.
- Use AWS Secrets Manager or IAM roles for secure access to credentials.
- Script Testing: Test the script locally or on a non-production instance before deploying.
- Keep It Simple: Avoid overly complex user data scripts. Use configuration management tools like AWS Systems Manager, Chef, or Ansible for advanced configurations.
That’s all about the working knowledge of EC2 user data and how they can used to perform system-level tasks. If you have any queries or feedback, please write us at Enjoy learning, Enjoy AWS Tutorials.!!