Defining Your Protocol Format
package com.ashok; option java_package = "com.ashok.protobuf"; option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos"; message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0; HOME = 1; WORK = 2; } message PhoneNumber { required string number = 1; optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME]; } repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4; } message AddressBook { repeated Person person = 1; }
The .proto file starts with a package declaration, which helps to prevent naming conflicts between different projects.
After the package declaration, you can see two options that are Java-specific: java_package and java_outer_classname. java_package specifies in what Java package name your generated classes should live. If you don’t specify this explicitly, it simply matches the package name given by the package declaration, but these names usually aren’t appropriate Java package names (since they usually don’t start with a domain name).
The java_outer_classname option defines the class name which should contain all of the classes in this file. If you don’t give a java_outer_classname explicitly, it will be generated by converting the file name to camel case. For example, “my_proto.proto” would, by default, use “MyProto” as the outer class name.
Next, you have your message definitions. A message is just an aggregate containing a set of typed fields. Many standard simple data types are available as field types, including bool, int32, float, double, and string. You can also add further structure to your messages by using other message types as field types – in the above example the Person message contains PhoneNumber messages, while the AddressBook message contains Person messages.
You can even define message types nested inside other messages – as you can see, the PhoneNumber type is defined inside Person. You can also define enum types if you want one of your fields to have one of a predefined list of values – here you want to specify that a phone number can be one of MOBILE, HOME, or WORK.
Compiling Your Protocol Buffers
Google provides a compiler called protoc which can produce output for C++, Java or Python. Now run the compiler, specifying the source directory (where your application’s source code lives – the current directory is used if you don’t provide a value), the destination directory (where you want the generated code to go; often the same as $SRC_DIR), and the path to your .proto. In this case
protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --java_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/addressbook.proto
Because you want Java classes, you use the –java_out option – similar options are provided for other supported languages.
This generates com/ashok/protobuf/ in your specified destination directory.
Let’s look at some of the generated code and see what classes and methods the compiler has created for you. If you look in, you can see that it defines a class called AddressBookProtos, nested within which is a class for each message you specified in addressbook.proto. Each class has its own Builder class that you use to create instances of that class.
Both messages and builders have auto-generated accessor methods for each field of the message; messages have only getters while builders have both getters and setters. Here are some of the accessors for the Person class.
// required string name = 1; public boolean hasName(); public String getName(); // required int32 id = 2; public boolean hasId(); public int getId(); // optional string email = 3; public boolean hasEmail(); public String getEmail(); // repeated .tutorial.Person.PhoneNumber phone = 4; public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneList(); public int getPhoneCount(); public PhoneNumber getPhone(int index);
Where as Person.Builder has the same getters plus setters
// required string name = 1; public boolean hasName(); public java.lang.String getName(); public Builder setName(String value); public Builder clearName(); // required int32 id = 2; public boolean hasId(); public int getId(); public Builder setId(int value); public Builder clearId(); // optional string email = 3; public boolean hasEmail(); public String getEmail(); public Builder setEmail(String value); public Builder clearEmail(); // repeated .tutorial.Person.PhoneNumber phone = 4; public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneList(); public int getPhoneCount(); public PhoneNumber getPhone(int index); public Builder setPhone(int index, PhoneNumber value); public Builder addPhone(PhoneNumber value); public Builder addAllPhone(Iterable<PhoneNumber> value); public Builder clearPhone();
As you can see, there are simple JavaBeans-style getters and setters for each field. There are also has getters for each singular field which return true if that field has been set. Finally, each field has a clear method that un-sets the field back to its empty state.
Repeated fields have some extra methods – a Count method (which is just shorthand for the list’s size), getters and setters which get or set a specific element of the list by index, an add method which appends a new element to the list, and an addAll method which adds an entire container full of elements to the list.